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You have to see it to disrupt it: Mapping the Cyber Criminal Ecosystem

Cybercrime has become professionalized, diversified, and integrated over the past decade. This evolution has resulted in a much more complex, expansive criminal landscape, further challenging the ability of the cybersecurity industry and law enforcement to counter it.  If we want to disrupt these criminal operations, we need to understand this ecosystem more fully, know how the various parts link together, and maintain that insight dynamically overtime.  This talk will describe a project designed to provide such views of the criminal ecosystem.  Called the Cybercrime Atlas, this joint effort by multiple organizations, including the Cyber Threat Alliance, will enable the cybersecurity industry, civil society, the financial sector, and governments to see the criminal ecosystem from different viewpoints and to take effective action to disrupt it. 

Michael Daniel

Michael Daniel, President and CEO, Cyber Threat Alliance

Michael Daniel serves as the President & CEO of the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA), a not-for-profit that enables cyber threat information sharing among cybersecurity organizations.  Prior to CTA, Michael served for four years as US Cybersecurity Coordinator, leading US cybersecurity policy development, facilitating US government partnerships with the private sector and other nations, and coordinating significant incident response activities.  From 1995 to 2012, Michael worked for the Office of Management and Budget, overseeing funding for the U.S. Intelligence Community.  Michael also works with the Aspen Cybersecurity Group, the World Economic Forum’s Partnership Against Cybercrime, and other organizations improving cybersecurity in the digital ecosystem.  In his spare time, he enjoys running and martial arts.