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13 April 2023 | 5:30 PM SGT
Cybersecurity: More than a Computer Problem

Raj Samani
Chief Scientist,
Raj Samani is a computer security expert working as the SVP, Chief Scientist, for cybersecurity firm Rapid7. Raj has assisted multiple law enforcement agencies in cybercrime cases, and is special advisor to the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) in The Hague.
Raj has been recognized for his contribution to the computer security industry through numerous awards, including the Infosecurity Europe hall of Fame, Peter Szor award, Intel Achievement Award, among others. Raj is also the co-author of the book ‘Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid’, CSA Guide to Cloud computing, as well as technical editor for numerous other publications.
Governments, businesses, and society in general are shifting their perspectives on what it means to be “cyber secure.” This session examines the role of cybersecurity professionals, and acts as a reminder that the work done within the infosec space goes far beyond patching. What is the emerging role of cybersecurity, and what are the new demands for professionals in an effort to protect society? Moreover, how can security become a critical component of establishing true value add for businesses in the 21st century?

Web3 + Scams = it’s a match

Zoltan Balazs
Head of Vulnerability Research Lab,
Zoltan (@zh4ck) is the Head of Vulnerability Research Lab at CUJO AI, a company focusing on smart home security. Before joining CUJO AI he worked as a CTO for an AV Tester company, as an IT Security expert in the financial industry, and as a senior IT security consultant. He is also the developer of the Hardware Firewall Bypass Kernel Driver (HWFWBypass), the Encrypted Browser Exploit Delivery tool (#IRONSQUIRREL) and the Sandbox tester tool to test Malware Analysis Sandboxes.
Most cryptocurrency-related scams are not sophisticated, yet they are paramount due to the damage they can cause. While researching the magical world of crypto scams, I have identified at least 35 different types of these scams. These can be cheap replicas from the “pre-Web3” world. Others are novel and specific to Web3 and smart contracts. Pump and dump or rug pull are not unknown, but proof of weak hands or NFT airdrop scams are the products of the new Web3 world order.
After categorizing the different scam types, I will close the presentation with tips and tricks on surviving the wild-wild west of the Web3 world.
In 2022, there is rarely a week without a stolen JPEG worth 100K USD, yet most consumer-grade endpoint protection does not even know what a dApp looks like. Even ITSEC people do not understand or agree on what a dApp looks like or even what Web3 is.
Warning: this research includes blockchain mumbo jumbo, but I will turn down the hype factor.